Tuesday, February 16, 2010

TO Our TEacHEr

To My Teacher

A substitute for working moms,
she comforts, pampers, soothes and calms.
With all the love she has to share,
She's great to have when mom's not there.

She loves to rock a fussy child,
corrects the one who gets too wild.
She hears her share of tearful pleas,
and comforts those with skinned up knees.

With little children she plays a peek,
for bigger ones it's hide-and-seek.
She is an expert at each game,
but somehow loses just the same

She helps them learn the alphabet,
and gives them hugs when they're upset.
She is a true and trusted friend,
who helps them learn and play pretend.

Although she's paid, it's plain to see,
She serves them with a love that's free.


Monday, February 15, 2010

SCHOOL's COOL activities XD

Teenagers nowadays love activities which they will truly enjoy. In fact,for some students, schooling has been so boring.Many consider it boring because students would just sit on his chair from 7:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. or even 6:oo p.m. listening to their teacher while discussing the lesson. But for me, schooling is not that boring for it engages different fun-filled activities.

PICTURE(during art role play practice)

Truly I'm just a
simple teenager who also loves activities. Sometimes i also get bored in school due to the fact that i just don't like the lesson but sometimes even though i don't like the lesson, i do had a chance to enjoy schooling because of different activities that are extremely fun to do. here are some of the activities that i consider COOL XD:

Here are some clips of our different acitivities in our room:

Those are just some activities that teachers usually assign us. Those activities are not just for the sake of entertainment instead it is for our own improvement. This activities allow students to gain more confident and to discover student's hidden talent. This activities are conducted to attracts students attention to participate on the lesson. Another reason why this activities were conducted, is dueto the fact that it is a way to further help the student understand the lesson.

PICUTRE(katutubong sayaw)

There were also activities that are conducted in school were in the contestants came from different year level. here are some of the COOL contest in our school wherein every students are allowed to participate:
Those contest were conducted by the different clubs. They mold students to become holistic upon engaging them with those exciting and fun-filled activities. To be honest I have tried to participate with some of those contest and luckily I experience triumph as well as defeat but in the end I can say that i gain more confidence with my experience and specially i gain friends.



Sunday, February 14, 2010

Intramurals 2009-2010


"The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don't play together, the club wont be worth a dime." this quote is all about team work. Usually teamwork occur during different contest especially sport games. speaking of sports one event that everyone knew so well is the Intramurals

visit this website http://recservices.k-state.edu/intramurals/ for more definition of INTRAMURALS


Intramurals, an event worthwhile for all year levels in the high school. It showcases the talents of young generations of today in a day full of performances from different year levels. Our Intramurals takes part every year, and we celebrate it differently from other schools. why?? Because the Intramurals of Saint Louis College are celebrated like the grandeur of all celebrations. Cheerers, Mascot performers, Mr. and Ms. Intramurals, and sometimes even inter-year level games.


This year was very tough for us, knowing that we, the Juniors, were the only ones who didn't receive any award. We named ourselves the "Hopetimus Prima, the Rise of the Juniors" thus, we abide the value of hope but sadly, we fell into bitterness and dispute because of our loss.
With great pride and honor, the Senior Braveheart bagged almost all of the awards including the award that they have won every year of their high school life, the best drummer award. The Freshmen Kupidos, mighty and fierce with their voices yelling with the hunger for victory triumphed the contest receiving the best cheering performance award. The Sophomores, or so-called the Sopeace Bearers, the holders of peace, received the best mascot performance and best mascot leader award.The seniors also won the Mr. Intrams and the Sophomore for Ms. Intrams.


Although we did not win the contest,still we are happy because "it is not about winning the game,instead its about how you play the game."

Here are some clips of the different cheers and yells of the different year level:
(arranged as follows:MS. sophomore,junior,senior,freshmen then Mr. freshmen,sophomores,junior,senior)


a teacher for all season XD

A teacher is
like Spring,
Who nurtures new green sprouts,

Encourages and leads them,

Whenever they have doubts.

A teacher is like Summer,

Whose sunny temperament
Makes studying a pleasure,
Preventing discontent.

A teacher is like Fall,

With methods crisp and clear,
Lessons of bright colors
And a happy atmosphere.

A teacher is like Winter,
While it’s snowing hard outside,
Keeping students comfortable,
As a warm and helpful guide.
Teacher, you do all these things,
With a pleasant attitude;
You’re a teacher for all seasons,
And you have my gratitude!



Highschool life is a very challenging life as an individual.It is in our higschool life where we experience lots of things.
It is also in our highschool life where we felt pain,joy and specially love.
For me, among the four years of being a highschool student, the mo
st exciting year is being a junior and a senior.
I consider being a junior and a senior the most exciting year in a highschol life because of many reasons.
One reason is that, in our junior year and senior year we celebrated the so-called "Junior,seniors promenade" or also
known as the "JS PROM"

a prom, short for promenade, is a formal dance, or gathering of high school students. It is typically held at the end of junior and/or senior year.
According to our teacher, promenade is is the passing of responsibility by the seniors to the junior who will be later become a senior.
It is the time where all the girls wear their elegant and beautiful dress with their matching shoes and make-up while for the gentlemen, they wear their formal long sleeves with a neck tie and sometimes accompanied by a vest or even a tuxedo. This is event is very nice.It teaches the students to socialize with other people. I am sure that it was a night to
This years promenade was celebrated on the 12th day of February.
Truly, I was very excited of it. Many junior and seniors students had their Glamorous dress for the event, and for some, they had enjoyed their fisrt dance. Junior,Seniors Promenade is one of the most memorable event in the highschool life because it is a chance for some to express their feelings to the person to whom they admire.

Whether it was a wonderful experience or a terrible one,
if you went to your high school senior prom, I am sure that it was a night to remember.
For so many teenagers the prom is the highlight of high school.

It is the one thing so many students look forward to. Many see it as a rite of passage into adulthood. But the truth is it is a night to socialize or to mingle with others and to enjoy.

The following links are the videos during our Junior-Seniors Promenade:


High school LIFe !!!

"Life is a zoo in a jungle."
this is a famous adage about life. In our life, we have faced different stages of life's trials that molded us to become a better person. One of which is the High School Life. Currently we are in our third year of being a high school student, and the junior year is considered as the "testing point" of your mettle as an individual. As a junior student, we can truly say that High School Life is full of different challenges, challenges that are sometimes fun-filled and extremely mind bugling, yet we are able to surpass these challenges and become the person we ought to be.

"Experience is the best teacher." though it may seem awkward, this quote is true. You cannot truly learn something by only seeing it with handouts or imagining things, but by literally performing it for your own curiosity. In our three years of being a high school student, we had experienced pain, joy, failure, and victory. It is also in our high school life where we first fell in love. Why? because this is the time when two hearts meet and blend together as one in the 4 walls of the classroom (or even outside). We cannot deny that in our high school life, we tried to cheat, not literally in quizzes or tests but cheating as a shortcut in accomplishing things that are required, by "manipulating". One of the highlights of the High School Life is the Junior-Senior Promenade, the most awaited event for some students especially for the Seniors. xD